Red and Pink Gift Card Holder with For a Friend Sentiment

This lovely red and pink floral gift card holder has gold foil accents and a friendship message, perfect for any gift giving occasion. There is room for you to include a personal message, and a white envelope is provided for…

Red and Pink Gift Card Holder with For a Friend Sentiment


This lovely red and pink floral gift card holder has gold foil accents and a friendship message, perfect for any gift giving occasion. There is room for you to include a personal message, and a white envelope is provided for easy mailing. Gift card not included.

2 in stock

A red and pink floral design makes this a great gift card holder for the special friend in your life. This any occasion gift card holder has beautiful gold foil added. A white envelope is included for easy mailing, and there is room to write your personal message. Gift card not included.


Weight .5 oz
Dimensions 5.75 × 4.5 × .5 in


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