Beautiful Love Sweetheart Card

This beautiful “LOVE” card features a water color look blue background and a circle of shimmery flowers and leaves. This card is perfect for your sweetheart, or anyone in your life who needs a sweet message from you. The inside…

Beautiful Love Sweetheart Card


This beautiful “LOVE” card features a water color look blue background and a circle of shimmery flowers and leaves. This card is perfect for your sweetheart, or anyone in your life who needs a sweet message from you. The inside is blank for your personal message. The card is a standard A2 size, and includes a coordinating envelope, for easy mailing. Each card is handmade for a one of a kind look. All items ship quickly within the United States.

8 in stock

This beautiful “love” card features a watercolor background effect with tiny pink flowers and leaves. The coordinating envelope features the same blue with more leaves. This card would be perfect your sweetheart or any other loved one. The inside of this card is blank for your own personal message. The circle, flowers and leaves all have a subtle shimmer added for a lovely affect. This card is handmade so that no two are identical.

  • high quality supplies
  • Standard A2 size
  • handmade

All items ship quickly within the United States.

Weight .5 oz
Dimensions 5.75 × 4.5 × .5 in


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