Green Plaid Gift Card Holder to Celebrate any Special Occasion

This green and red plaid gift card holder is perfect to celebrate any special occasion, with a happy day sentiment added to the front. There is room to write your personal message, and a white envelope is included for easy…

Green Plaid Gift Card Holder to Celebrate any Special Occasion


This green and red plaid gift card holder is perfect to celebrate any special occasion, with a happy day sentiment added to the front. There is room to write your personal message, and a white envelope is included for easy mailing.

2 in stock

This green plaid gift card holder features green and gold leaves and “Happy Day” sentiment. A matching envelope is included for easy mailing, and there is a space to write your personal message. This is a great gift card holder for any special occasion. Gift card not included.

Weight .5 oz
Dimensions 5.75 × 4.5 × .5 in


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