Colorful Birthday Card Featuring Polka Dots and Candles

Fun and colorful make a wish birthday card in a large slimline size with a make a wish sentiment. This card and matching envelope are handmade and unique in shades of purple, pink, yellow and orange.

Colorful Birthday Card Featuring Polka Dots and Candles


Fun and colorful make a wish birthday card in a large slimline size with a make a wish sentiment. This card and matching envelope are handmade and unique in shades of purple, pink, yellow and orange.

3 in stock

This fun large slimline card with matching envelope is a bright and colorful card to celebrate someone specials birthday. There is an over sized make a wish sentiment in a lovely script. The colorful polka dots are pink, purple, orange and yellow, and the candles have glittery yellow flames. The envelope is handmade in matching colorful paper. Each card is handmade in a slimline size of 8 1/2 by 3 1/2 inches. There is plenty of room inside each card to add a personal message. Handmade cards will vary slightly for a unique, one of a kind card.

Weight .9 oz
Dimensions 9 × 4 × .5 in


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