Make Someone Feel Special with A Greeting Card

All too often we send a quick text message, or post on Facebook, to acknowledge a birthday, or special milestone. I’m guilty of this myself.

Can you imagine how that person would feel, if they opened their mailbox, to find a thoughtfully selected card. with a hand written message inside, instead of a text?

I’ve been working hard to put a system in place so that I have Christmas cards ready to go by December 1, a stash of birthday cards for my loved ones, and some thank you, sympathy, and just because cards.

I purchased a simple pink shoe box sized box with a lid from my favorite hobby store for less than $3. It came with dividers, so I have a place to keep my cards organized until I’m ready to send them.

I like to organize my cards by theme, but it would also work well to organize by the months of the year. That way if you know you need to mail 3 birthday cards in May, you can put the cards you have selected behind the May divider. You can also store a favorite pen and stamps in your box.

Do you know you have a niece graduating in May? Add a graduation card to the “graduation” section in your box, or behind your May divider.

I hope the next time you’re shopping for cards, you will consider all of the people in your life who could use a little happy mail, and start your collection of cards for the next several months, or year.